Ultra acosta!

Ultra acosta! Rules 

Participation Rules

Updated on May 13th, 2023
Safety is our top priority at acosta! events. We ask that all of our guests have a good time while adhering to the precautions, terms of use, and instructions of our staff.
Keep in mind that these terms are subject to change at any time.
Please regularly check this page for updates regarding the terms.

*Should you notice any suspicious behavior or feel unwell,
please do not hesitate to contact the acosta! check-in desk or any nearby staff member.

About tickets

  • Admission times vary depending on the ticket.
  • Please do not arrive earlier than your check-in time.
  • We do not accept cancellations or changes for purchased tickets.
  • Unused tickets can be converted into staca points via your staca Ticket Center My Page.
  • Those with early bird tickets will no longer have priority after 11:00 am. After the check-in start for regular ticket holders, you will have to line up in the regular queue.
  • Tickets for sold-out categories will not be available for purchase on the day of the event.

General rules

  • Please follow these rules and regulations, as well as the instructions of the staff.
  • If you do not follow the directions of the staff or engage in disruptive or illegal activities, we may report the incident to the appropriate authorities, ask you to leave the event, and refuse you entry to future events. In some cases, we may also confiscate film, equipment, or memory cards.

Photography, video recording & interaction with other guests

  • If someone asks for permission to take a photo, please cooperate by only taking a casual commemorative photo. If someone intends to do a more serious shoot, please ensure they show their acosta! attendee badge. Make sure to always check each other’s badges during photography sessions.
  • While taking photos or interacting, please ensure your actions are respectful and not uncomfortable for others.
  • Model guns must be deactivated and be sure they are not loaded with BB bullets or other ammunition.
  • Photography is allowed only with mutual consent.
  • Ensure your photos don’t accidentally capture other participants or general attendees.
  • Posting photos and short videos of the event on social media is allowed. Any issues that may arise as a result of these posts are the poster’s responsibility.
Prohibited conduct
  • Do not use bulky equipment for photography that obstructs pathways.
  • Do not take photos without the subject’s consent.
  • Do not photograph the surroundings or the general atmosphere of the venue.
  • Do not photograph inside or at the entrance of men’s or women’s changing rooms and restrooms.
  • Do not engage in lengthy photography sessions that may be disruptive to others.
  • Do not use excessively large telephoto lenses.
  • Do not use imitation swords, firearms, or props that resemble weapons, rackets, balls, etc., except when posing for photos.
  • Do not climb trees, unstable structures, or any other off-limits areas.
  • Do not take photos while walking.
  • Do not engage in dancing, running, or other intense movements.
  • Do not inadvertently capture other participants or general attendees in photos.
  • Do not live stream the event or upload footage to video-sharing sites.
  • Do not record scripted videos for platforms like YouTube.
  • Do not play music.

Costumes & changing

  • Change into your cosplay outfit inside the designated male or female changing rooms.
  • Staff of the opposite gender might enter the changing rooms in case of emergency.
  • If your costume is deemed potentially offensive, you might be asked to return to the changing room.
  • Please refrain from wearing real military uniforms or outfits that are heavily inspired by real military uniforms. (Costumes from manga or anime are acceptable).
Prohibited conduct
  • Do not change clothes or apply makeup outside of the designated areas for such, like in neighboring shops or restrooms.
  • Do not use sprays or mists inside the venue.
  • Do not enter or exit the venue while in costume.
  • Do not wear uniforms of police officers, self-defense forces, firefighters, or any other Japanese or international defense forces. Outfits that can be easily confused with such are also prohibited.
  • Do not wear costumes that could be mistaken for underwear.
  • Do not cut wigs inside the venue, changing rooms, restrooms, etc.
  • Do not use microphones, musical instruments, radios, or engage in any other noise-making actions.
  • Do not make excessive noise with bells or other items attached to costumes or props.
  • Do not use fake blood or portray violent themes.
  • Do not bring potentially harmful items or things that might damage or soil the venue, such as color sprays or fake blood.
  • Do not wear costumes that are too revealing (see “About revealing costumes” below).
  • Do not participate in acosta! while wearing kigurumi suits (full-body plush costumes).
    e.g. Kigurumi of Disney characters, Nintendo characters, and local mascots with official mascot versions.

About revealing costumes

  • If your outfit is too revealing, you might be denied participation in cosplay.
  • If you’re wearing an outfit that exposes the lower or side parts of the breast area, please wear underwear or a leotard that covers your skin.
  • Make sure your underwear isn’t visible by wearing leggings or stockings.
  • If you’re wearing a revealing costume, please wear a jacket, shawl, or similar item when on the move.
  • If you’re a female cosplayer crossdressing as a male character with exposed chest areas, please wear a leotard or a chest binder.
    *There are no upper body restrictions for male cosplayers, but please cover up when not being photographed.
  • Regardless of the above, if the staff deems your costume to be problematic, you may be asked to change or wear additional layers.
The following costumes are prohibited
  • Costumes that are considered obscene or violate public order and decency.
  • Costumes worn without underwear, or where underwear is visible through gaps in the costume material, such as around the chest or armpits.
  • Extremely low-rise fashion.
  • Excessive exposure, visible underwear, and costumes that can easily be mistaken for underwear.

Guidelines for male cosplayers crossdressing as female characters

  • Always apply makeup, groom brows, and so on, taking care not to compromise the character’s image.
  • Groom any exposed areas such as underarm hair, leg hair, and facial hair.
  • Intimidating or distasteful crossdressing is not allowed.
  • Avoid exposing bare legs and wear tights, stockings, or leggings instead.

About the luggage storage area

  • After depositing your luggage, you will receive one ticket stub per item. Please keep the stub safe to avoid losing it. If lost, luggage will only be returned after all guests have retrieved their belongings.
  • To collect your luggage, please show both the luggage tag and its matching stub to the staff.
  • Please keep your valuables with you. We will not be held accountable for any losses.

About age restrictions

  • Children below junior high school may participate in the event only if accompanied by a guardian. Elementary school students must pay the regular admission fee; participation is free for children under elementary school age.
    *Accompanying guardians will also need to pay the regular admission fee.
  • Children under elementary school age can use the changing room of the same gender as their guardian.
    *The staff might refuse entry to changing rooms of the opposite gender if they believe it is necessary.
  • Children under junior high school age are prohibited from roaming alone. Guardians must always accompany them during the event.
  • The All-night Ultra acosta! event on September 6th (Fri) is for individuals aged 18 and over (no high school students). Age will be verified at check-in using a valid ID.

About moving around the event area and entering stores

  • Some stores may refuse entry based on their discretion.
  • Imitation swords, firearms, and items resembling dangerous goods must concealed in a bag or cover when on the move.
  • Please follow the anti-contamination rules of any stores where entry is permitted.
Prohibited conduct
  • Do not use props like rackets, balls, etc.
  • Do not walk around or enter shops in areas other than photo zones while wearing face masks, helmets, or other items that hide your face.
  • Do not drink or smoke while cosplaying in a student uniform.
  • Do not occupy seats for extended periods or sit on the floor.
  • Do not occupy “purikura” photo booths or game machines without actually playing.

Rules for exploring Sunshine City

  • Entry to shops in Alpa and Alta is generally permitted.
  • Some stores may refuse entry based on their discretion.
  • Please be considerate of regular customers and avoid inconveniencing them.
  • Refrain from entering stores without the intention to shop and from handling products unnecessarily.
  • Please refrain from taking photographs in Alpa and Alta.
    (*Stores not listed in our partner stores list, like Starbucks Coffee, FamilyMart, and Subway, are generally open to attendees.)

Rules for the Sunshine City Aquarium

  • During the acosta! event period, you can enter the aquarium in cosplay.
    *Entry to the aquarium requires a separate time-specific web ticket, Aquarium Club Card, or annual passport.
  • Please follow the signs within Sunshine City to get to the aquarium.
  • The use of tripods, reflectors, and lighting equipment is prohibited. Please limit photography to casual commemorative shots like regular visitors.
  • Entry is prohibited in cases where your cosplay covers your face in a way that renders you unrecognizable, such as with a mask or other face-covering.
  • When on the move outside of photo areas, props that resemble dangerous items should be kept in cases or bags, and they should not be used for photos.
  • Please refrain from long photo sessions or actions that may inconvenience other visitors.
Photography guidelines
  • Photography is prohibited in the aquarium’s merchandise store Aqua Pocket and in Tully’s Coffee.
  • Photography is prohibited during the aquarium’s various animal discovery activities.
  • Flash photography is not permitted in certain areas of the aquarium. Please check the notices posted inside the aquarium.
    *Make sure to follow the instructions of the aquarium staff.

Rules for the Ikebukuro HUMAX Cinemas

  • Entry is prohibited in cases where your cosplay covers your face in a way that renders you unrecognizable, such as with a mask or other face-covering.
  • Entry in cosplay or with decorations or accessories that may inconvenience other visitors is prohibited.
  • Wearing headgear or wigs that exceed the height or width of one’s head is prohibited.
  • Please refrain from wearing costumes that make noises such as friction sounds or bells.
  • Please refrain from bringing in imitation swords, firearms, objects resembling dangerous items, or large baggage.
  • Photography inside the theater is prohibited. (Photography is allowed to a certain extent in elevator halls and entrances, similar to regular customers. Please ensure that it does not inconvenience others.)
  • The use of tripods, reflectors, and lighting equipment is prohibited.
  • Using electronic devices that emit light or sound during screenings is prohibited.
  • Make sure to follow the instructions of the cinema staff.

Other disclaimers

  • Changing rooms close at 6:30 pm.
  • The layout or schedule of the venue may change at any time.
  • Please keep your valuables with you. We will not be held accountable for any losses.
  • Lost and found items will be disposed of two weeks after the event if not claimed. If you believe you have misplaced something, please contact us as soon as possible.
  • In the event of an emergency, please follow staff instructions and remain calm.
  • If any of the equipment or the venue itself is damaged, the party responsible will be held liable for compensation.
  • If an ambulance or other emergency services are required due to injuries, health issues, or other factors, the cost will be borne by the party involved.
  • We, acosta! (Hacosta Inc.), as well as the management and the venue, are not responsible for any inconveniences or accidents caused by the content or type of cosplay or the condition of the venue.
  • On the event day, official photographers and various media may be taking photos and recording videos. Attendees may appear on TV, newspapers, magazines, the web, etc. Thanks for your understanding.
  • If you see someone covering the event without a “Press Pass” issued by acosta!, please notify the staff.

Prohibited conduct

  • Do not take photos without the subject’s consent.
  • Do not post photos online without the subject’s consent. Also, avoid taking excessively low-angle shots.
  • Do not use photos taken at acosta! events for commercial or profit-oriented purposes.
  • Do not engage in acts or bring items that go against public order and morals.
  • Do not bring real knives, real swords, functional model guns, or other dangerous props.
  • Do not take adult photos or videos.
  • Do not sell inside the event, or engage in unauthorized media coverage, solicitation, or distribution of flyers.
  • Do not eat or drink outside of Sunshine City or areas that allow it.
  • Do not bring in ladders.
  • Do not bring in national flags.
  • Do not use outlets or power sources.
  • Do not bring alcoholic beverages into the hall.
  • Do not smoke while cosplaying in a school uniform.
  • Do not bring items that could injure others or potentially damage the venue or cause messes that require cleaning.
  • Do not engage in participant conflicts or any other acts deemed by event staff to be dangerous, nuisance-causing, or rule-violating, regardless of the reason.
  • Do not damage the venue or cause messes that require cleaning.
  • Do not enter off-limits areas like planting or flower beds. (This includes placing props and equipment inside.)

*If you break the above rules and regulations, the staff may ask you to leave or report you to the proper authorities.
Participating in the event implies acceptance of these terms.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.






